Saturday, April 08, 2006

None of us is PERFECT. Nobody does or can live in a life untouched by negative feelings. It is our capacity for anxiety, rage, sadness, doubt and a host of others that combines to make us what we are.

In seeking to make the best of ourselves, we should not deny the worst in us. Our Aim ultimately , is to learn by whatever we experience, to use life in all its colors, with all its pain and limitation, as a positive force for change. Though we rage, though we doubt, though we inevitably feel the pangs of anxiety, we should endeavor not to let these things control us.

We cannot live in a vacuum, cloistered away in some utopian safe haven of perfect peace and happiness. If we could, if we did, there won’t be any spice nor enthusiasm in our lives…

What joy would we find in a world of flawless light, when unending rapture itself becomes a became as bland as the same meal eaten a million times over?

Happiness is not static and uniform. It is a dynamic, arising, out of the context of our lives, with all their
sham, drudgery and broken dreams…


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