Friday, September 01, 2006

[++]wednesday. hectic. I need to make our take home seatwork about macbeth&we went pa to the book fair at the world trade center. really nice. all things were on-sale. my parents are already addicted to that sudoku thing so. most of the stuffs we bought were sudoku puzzle books.blah.

[++] I really like to post dowee's hypocrites. but i left my blue notebook.sayang. hah.dowee addressed that to *. but i guess i'll address it to *&*-"*&*" a re very skilled in keeping their reputations good.

[--] rumormongers suck.

[--]theifs suck

[--] i fell in love with this. when i first saw it. well, my friend carell made this;o

loners are intrapersonally smart.
bulldozers can fight against the criminals.
but survey says, losers are people without companions
but they have established really good reputation

[++] Thursday. i can see things. weird things. i can see through carell's ears. omg! thick smokes were coming out from her smokes. flamin' hot.

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